Curriculum :: Schedule
The daily program contains a complete preschool program with a balance of active and quiet activities. There is opportunity for free choice as well as teacher directed activities. Children have the options to play alone or with their peers.
There is a variation of free activities and group structure with a regular routine. Indoor and outdoor activities are available that stimulate large and small muscle development.
Children have opportunities for learning by doing, self-expression and participation in a variety of creative activities such as language arts, social studies, science, mathematics, health, music and motor development.
7:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:15
12:15 - 12:30
12:30 - 2:30
2:30 - 3:00
3:00 - 3:15
3:15 - 4:45
4:45 - 5:00
Children begin arriving and interacting with other children.
Activities include both indoor play as well as weather permitted outdoor play.
Children clean up, use the bathroom and wash in preparation for breakfast. Breakfast is served during this time.
Calendar time-the children participate in activities that encourage them to learn days and months of the year as well as basic counting skills and letter recognition.
Developmentally appropriate activities. Either teacher directed or free choice. Includes small group and large group activities, moving from various centers including dramatic play, blocks, science, library, computer, table toys and outdoor/playground time.
Clean up morning activities, use the bathroom and wash for lunch.
Lunch is served. Children can informally socialize with teachers and peers while focusing on proper manners. Clean up from lunch, use the bathroom and brush teeth.
Quiet time in preparation for rest time. This includes soft music and storytelling.
Approximate rest time. Children may sleep or just lay quiet. This time is kept flexible for individual needs of students. Teacher preparation time.
Children wake up, use bathrooms, and wash for snack. Snack is served.
Afternoon circle time review. Teacher will present children with the review of the day and go over afternoon activities.
Gross motor activities including indoor/outdoor as well as music.
Developmentally appropriate activities including centers and small group activities.
Preparation for the children to depart.
August 14 – 25
- Back to School: A Study of Our Classroom Environment and Rules
A Book of School Manners
August 28 - September 29
- A Study of Family: school, friends, family, extended family, pets.
- A Study of Myself: my body, my feelings, taking care of my body.
- A Study of Apples: apple picking field trip (Labor Day wk.?)
- A Study of Fire Safety: a visit from the fire department
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
October 2 – 27
- A Study of Pumpkins: a trip to Rellecke Farm
- A Farm Study: crops, livestock, workers
- A Study of Fall: changes in leaves, weather, and animal behavior
- A Study of Halloween: costumes and trick or treat
The Little Red Hen
October 30 – November 24
- A Study of My 5 Senses
- A Study of Native Americans: field trip to Cahokia Mounds
- A Study of Thanksgiving (21st)
Little Red Riding Hood
November 27 - December 29
- A Study of Migration and Hibernation: all about bears
- A Study of Holiday Culture and Tradition: Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and the New Year
The Gingerbread Man
Christmas Program with Midwest Respiratory & Rehab Center
January 1 – 26
- A Study of Winter: The Weather and How People Enjoy the Ice and Snow.
- A Study of Polar Region: What Animals Live There
- A Study of Construction and The Machines They Use.
The 3 Little Pigs
Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday (19th)
Coldstone Creamery Field Trip (wk. 19th)
January 29 - February 23
- Groundhog’s Day (2nd), Shadows
- A Celebration of Valentine’s Day
- An Exploration of Chinese New Year February 16
- President’s Day (19th), Washington’s birthday (22nd), Lincoln’s birthday (12th)
- A Study of Black History in the United States.
Anansi, the Spider
A Study of Dental Hygiene and a trip to The Health Museum in St. Louis
February 26 - March 30
- A Study of Life Cycles: Birds, Butterflies, Insects, Farm Animals. A Study of Spring: Trees, Flowers, and Habitats.
- A Study of Pond Life: Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fish
- A Study of Spring: It’s Volatile Weather
Henny Penny (The Sky is Falling)
A Field Trip to the Butterfly House in Faust Park.
St. Patrick’s Day March 17th
Easter April 1st
April 2-27
- A Study of the Skies: Planets, Sun and Moon; Light and Dark, Day and Night, Shadows.
- Celebrations of Earth Day (22nd) and Arbor Day (27th)
- A Celebration for Week of the Young Child
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Science Center Field Trip
April 30 - June 1
- A Study of Animals and Their Habitats: Africa, Asia, South America, Rainforest, Savanna Grassland, and Desert. A Trip to the St. Louis Zoo.
Where the Wild Things Are
St. Louis Zoo Field Trip (wk. 11th)
Mother’s Day May 13
June 4 – 29
- A Study of the Local Wildlife of the USA: Forests and Grasslands
- A Study of Summer: Weather, Vacations, Camping, Fishing and Beaches. Movies at the Lincoln Theatre.
The Tortoise and the Hare
Father’s Day June 17th
Flag Day June 14th
Willoughby Farm Field Trip (wk. 15th)
July 2 - 27
- 4th of July, USA and Birthday
- International Week
- Beaches
- Water Transportation
- Ocean Life: coral reefs, turtles, fish/sharks, mammals/whales
The Ugly Duckling
St. Louis Aquarium Field Trip (wk. July 27)
July 30 – August 10
Book Series: How Does a Dinosaur…
August 13 – 31
- Back to School: A Study of Our Classroom Rules and Environment.