Choose Success for Your Child
Our program is accredited by the National Association for the Education
of Young Children (NAEYC). NAEYC standards and our practices are based on the latest early childhood development research.
The Illinois quality rating system (QRS) recognizes programs that have gone the extra mile to ensure that children are receiving an enhanced learning and care experience. Receiving a QRS rating means that our program
has achieved specific standards of quality set by the State of Illinois. Participation in this program is voluntary and ensures families that our program exceeds the minimum health and safety requirements set by DCFS.
High quality early childhood programs contribute to your child’s future success, in school and later life. Our program provides a save and nurturing environment for promoting your child’s development. Our participation
in these programs shows our commitment to provide quality care and learning for your child.
Our Goal:
The goals for The TreeHut Preschool and Early Child Care Center are
multi-faceted. Our primary objective is to meet the individual needs of each toddler and young child in our program. Our approach
will be child-centered; caring and concerned with the total child; designed to meet each child's social, intellectual, and physical needs.
Two gifts we can bestow
upon our children…
Roots to grow and wings to fly.
TreeHut utilizes the “Creative Curriculum” and “Teaching Strategies Gold” to empower our teachers to insure that your child receives the most from our program. Many of the projects and ideas presented to the children incorporate their social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.
We evaluate each child’s progress several times throughout the year. We will develop portfolios for your child with pictures, objective observations and work samples. These techniques allow us to monitor your child’s progress and allow us to be aware of each child’s particular strengths and weaknesses.
Throughout the year we offer many opportunities for you to join your child for special events. We ask that you make every attempt possible to attend these events with your child.
Every day is a special day with your child. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your world.
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